1. Identification data:


ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION  , based in  Intrarea Brateș Nr. 18, bl. 136, ap. 2,Bucharest, Romania.


  1. General

2.1. The document establishes the terms and conditions of use of the Site / Content / Service by the Member or Client, if it does not have another valid usage agreement, concluded between the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and it.
2.2. The use, including but not limited to accessing, visiting and viewing the Content / Service, implies the adherence of the Member or the Client to these terms and conditions; The client undertakes to permanently monitor the terms and conditions that can be updated, modified and completed. In case of misunderstandings, the Terms and conditions applicable at the time of order and notification in writing to the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION apply .
2.3. Access to the Service is made exclusively by accessing the publicly available website www.polesportsro.org . 2.4. By using the Site / Content / Service, the Member or the Client is solely responsible for all activities arising from its use. Also, it is liable for any material, intellectual or electronic damages or of any other nature produced to the Site, Content, Service of the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness or any third party with which the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness has concluded contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force. . 2.5. In case the User or the Client does not agree and / or does not accept and / or revoke his / her acceptance for the Document he / she will send an e-mail to contact@polesportsro.org specifying that: 2.5.1. It gives up: access to the Service, other services offered by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION through the Site, receiving newsletters / alerts and / or communications from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION of any kind (electronic, telephone, etc.) 2.5.2. It may return at any time to its decision not to agree and / or not accept the document, in the form in which it will be available at that time. 2.6. In order to exercise the right provided for in Article 2.5, it may contact the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION or use the links contained in the content received from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION for this purpose. 2.7. In case the Client has paid the value of all the contracts not honored to the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and revokes the agreement expressed in favor of the Document during the execution of an Order, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will cancel his Order without any subsequent obligation of any party to the the other or without any party being able to claim the other damages. 2.8. This Site is addressed only to Members of individuals who are at least 18 years old, who have gone through the proper registration stages and have not been suspended or removed by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , regardless of the reason for suspension or removal. The possibility of ordering online is available only to the persons with the delivery address in Romania. By becoming a Member, the person declares that he or she meets the above conditions.

  1. Content

3.1. The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and / or multimedia content presented on the Site, is the exclusive property of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , being reserved all rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through licenses for use and / or publication).
3.2. The Member or the Client is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and / or otherwise alter, use, link to, expose, include any content in any context other than the original one intended by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , the inclusion of any content outside the site of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , the removal of the logos that signify the copyright of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION on the content and the participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproduction, modification or display of the content, except with the express agreement of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .
3.3. Any content to which the Member or the Client has and / or obtains access by any means, is subject to the Document, if the content is not accompanied by a specific and valid use agreement concluded between the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and this one, and without any implied or express warranty made by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION with reference to that content.
3.4. The Member or the Client may copy, transfer and / or use content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the provisions of this Document.
3.5. If the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION grants the Member or Client the right to use in the form described in a separate use agreement, a certain content, to which the Member has or obtains access as a result of this agreement, this right extends only to to the contents or contents defined in the agreement, only during its existence or these contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the defined conditions, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION for the respective Member, Customer or any other third party who has / obtains access to this content transferred, by any means and which could be or is prejudiced in any way from this content, during or after the expiration of the user agreement.
3.6. No content transmitted to the Member or Client, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him through access, visit and / or visualization does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and / or his employee. to the collaborator of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION who mediated the transfer of content, if it exists, with respect to the respective content.
3.7. Any use of the Content is forbidden for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the document or the accompanying usage agreement, if it exists.

  1. Contact for Customers and Members

4.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION publishes on the site the complete and correct identification and contact data by the Client or Member.
4.2. By using the contact form or the service present on the site, the Member or the Client automatically allows the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to contact him by any available means including electronic means.
4.3. The complete or partial completion of the contact form and its submission does not in any way represent a commitment from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to contact the Member or the Client.
4.4. Accessing the Site, using the information presented within it, visiting the pages or sending e-mails or notifications addressed to the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is done electronically, by telephone, or any other means of communication available to the Member or the Client and the Federation Romanian Pole Fitness , considering that it agrees to receive notifications from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION in electronic and / or telephone mode, including communications by e-mail or by announcements on the site.


  1. Newsletters and alerts

5.1. At the moment, the Member or the Client creates an Account on the Site, accepting the Document (Terms and Conditions), he has the right to express or not the agreement regarding the receipt of newsletters and / or alerts from the Romanian Pole Federation Fitness .
5.2. The data taken from the Member for the purpose of sending newsletters and / or alerts, can and will be used by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION within the limits of the Privacy Policy.
5.3. The cancellation of receiving newsletters and / or alerts by the Member or Client can be done at any time:
5.3.1. Using the special link intended for any newsletters and / or alerts received (at the bottom of the e-mail in the “Click to unsubscribe” section 5.3.2. By modifying the acceptance or receiving newsletters and / or alerts and using pages the restricted areas within individual Member Account, on www.polesportsro.org . 5.3.3. by contacting the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness at the above data, according to the contact information, and without any further obligation to any party to each other or none of the parties was to ask for damages. 5.4. renouncing to receive newsletters them and / or alerts not imply renouncing the approval given for the document and apply only after transmission intention quitting. 5.5. Federation Romana de Pole Fitness reserves the right to select the persons to whom it will send newsletters and / or alerts as well as the right to remove any Member or Client from its database who has previously expressed consent to receive newsletters and / or alerts, without any subsequent commitment from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , or any prior notification thereof. 5.6. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will not include in newsletters and / or alerts transmitted to the Member or the Client, any other type of advertising material in the form of content referring to a third party that is not a commercial partner of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , at when sending newsletters and / or alerts.

  1. Privacy policy

6.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION may collect personal data and special data, on the pages of its Sites, only with the voluntary consent of the Member or the Client, for the following purposes:

  • validation, shipment and invoicing of orders to it ( ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION requires written or telephone confirmation of sending the first order for a new Account, for data compliance);
  • after validating the order, for the transmission of information regarding the products, the delivery periods, cancellations or any problems of any kind related to an order or contract, to the services or products purchased by it;
  • to facilitate its access to the service;
  • sending newsletters and / or periodic alerts, exclusively electronic format;
  • statistical purposes.

By creating the Account, each Member or Client has expressed his consent that the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will collect and manage his personal data, under the conditions and in compliance with the provisions of Law 677/2001. Any Member or Client has the right to obtain from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , by a written request, signed and dated, free of charge:

  • a) confirmation of the fact that the data concerning him are or are not processed at any given time;
  • b) as the case may be, the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data whose processing is not in accordance with the law, especially of incomplete or inaccurate data;
  • c) as the case may be, the transformation into anonymous data of data whose processing is not in accordance with the law;
  • d) notification to third parties to whom the data of any operation performed according to letter has been disclosed. b) or c), if this notification does not prove impossible or does not imply an effort disproportionate to the legitimate interest that could be harmed.

Any Member or Client has the right to oppose at any time, for well-founded and legitimate reasons related to his particular situation, by sending to the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION a request made in written, dated and signed form, as the data that concerns him. to be the object of processing, except where there are contrary legal provisions. In case of justified opposition the processing can no longer target the data in question.
Any Member or Client has the right to oppose at any time, free of charge and without any justification by sending to the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION a request made in written, dated and signed form, that the data aimed at it will be processed. for direct marketing purposes, on behalf of the operator or a third party, or to be disclosed to third parties for such purpose.
6.2. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION may inadvertently collect other data (IP address, time of visit, place of access, name and version of Internet browser, operating system, including other parameters) provided by the Internet browser through which it is made access to the site and may be used by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to improve the services offered to its Customers or Users, or for statistical purposes; exception is made if the provisions of the document are violated, in the event of the result of the actions of the Member / Client contravening the interests or causing damages of any kind by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and / or any third parties with which the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION has partnership contracts at that time.

Use policy Cookies on www.polesportsro.org The

cookie is a small file, a special text, often encoded, sent by a server to a web browser and then sent back (unmodified) by the browser, each time. when accessing that server. The cookie is installed by a request issued by a web-server to a browser (eg Internet Explorer, Chrome, Mozilla) and is completely “passive” (it does not contain software, viruses or spyware and cannot access the information on the hard driver. user). Cookies are used for authentication as well as for tracking user behavior; Typical applications are the retention of user preferences and the implementation of the “shopping cart” system. These files make it possible to recognize the user’s terminal and present the content in a relevant way, adapted to the user’s preferences. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to provide comfortable services to users: eg: online privacy preferences and shopping cart history. They are also used in the preparation of aggregate anonymous statistics that help to understand how a user benefits from www.polesportsro.org , allowing the structure and content to be improved but excluding the user’s personal identification.

The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION uses two types of cookies: per session and fixed (temporary files that remain in the user’s terminal until the end of the session or the closure of the application / web browser). The fixed files remain on the user’s terminal for a period of time in the parameters of the cookie or until they are manually deleted by the user. The cookies used by the partners of the operator of a web page, including without limitation the users of the web page, are subject to the respective Privacy Policy.

A visit to www.polesportsro.org can place: Site Performance Cookies, Visitor Analysis Cookies, Geotargetting Cookies, Registration Cookies, Advertising Cookies or Cookies of advertising providers.

Personal data collected through the use of cookies can only be collected to facilitate certain functionalities for the user and are encrypted in a way that makes it impossible for unauthorized persons to access them. In general, an application used to access web pages allows the cookies to be saved on the terminal by default. These settings can be changed in such a way that the automatic administration of the cookies is blocked by the web browser or the user is informed every time the cookies are sent to his terminal. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of managing cookies can be found in the application settings area (web browser). Limiting the use of cookies may affect certain functionalities of www.polesportsro.org . Cookies are the central point of the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience and adapted to the preferences and interests of each user. Refusing or disabling cookies can make some sites impossible to use. Due to their flexibility and the fact that most of the most visited and largest websites use cookies, these are almost inevitable; disabling cookies will not allow user access to the most popular and used sites including Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo and others.

Examples of important uses of cookies:

  • Content and services adapted to the user’s preferences – product and service categories.
  • Access adapted to users’ interests – password retention.
  • Retaining child protection filters on Internet content (family mode options, safe search functions).
  • Measurement, optimization and analytics features – such as confirming a certain level of traffic on a website, what kind of content is viewed and how a user reaches a website (eg through direct search engines, from other websites etc.). The websites carry out these analyzes of their use to improve the websites for the benefit of the users.

Security and privacy issues Cookies are NOT viruses and use plain text formats; they are not made up of pieces of code so they cannot be executed nor can they self-run. As a result, you cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses. Because cookies can be used for negative purposes because they store information about users’ preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and on several other sites, being used as a form of Spyware (consumer activity spying), many anti-spyware products constantly mark cookies for deletion in anti-virus / anti-spyware removal / scanning procedures. Generally browsers have integrated privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, validity period and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site. Because identity protection is very valuable and represents the right of every Internet user, it is advisable to know what possible problems cookies may create. Because through them the information between the browser and the website is constantly transmitted in both directions, if an attacker or unauthorized person intervenes during the data transmission, the information contained in the cookie can be intercepted. Although very rare, this can happen if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network (eg an unsecured WiFi network). Other cookie-based attacks involve incorrect cookie settings on servers. It is very important for the User to choose the most appropriate method of protecting personal information and to:

  • Customize your browser settings regarding cookies to reflect a comfortable level for you of the security of the use of cookies.
  • Set long deadlines for storing your browsing history and personal access data.
  • Consider setting the browser to clear individual browsing data each time you close the browser. This is an option to access the websites that place cookies and to delete any visit information at the end of the browsing session.
  • Install and constantly update antispyware applications.

Many spyware detection and prevention applications include detecting site attacks. Thus, it prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download dangerous software. It is recommended to update the browsing programs constantly, because many of the cookies-based attacks are performed exploiting the weaknesses of the old versions of the browsers. All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings can usually be found in the “options” or the “preferences” menu of the browser.

6.3. The client has the right to oppose the collection of his personal data and to request their deletion, thus revoking the agreement given for the document, and thus renouncing any implicit right specified therein and without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without one party may claim the other damages, but only in accordance with art. 2.8.
6.4. For the exercise of rights according to art. 6.3, the Client or the Member will address the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , according to the contact data available on the site, valid at that date.
6.5. Using the forms available on the site, the Client or the Member has the right to modify the data that he / she initially declared to reflect any changes that have taken place, if any.
6.6. In case the Client chooses to pay the card online with the value of the orders, the contract and / or the contracts, the authorization and remittance for settlement of the card acceptance transactions is performed exclusively through the PayU SA trading company through the integrated solution and PayPAL; PayU SA is the provider of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION of software solution for facilitating electronic commerce, ie payment services, payment management and fraud protection.
All types of cards issued by Romanian and foreign banks under the VISA and MasterCard logos are accepted provided that the issuing banks have activated them for online payment. Also, credit card payments are accepted for installment payments as listed on the payment information page. Other payment methods are bank transfer or payment upon delivery.
6.7. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION does not request or store any information regarding the Client’s bank card or cards, which are processed directly on the servers of the online payment service provider.
6.8. Privacy policy The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION refers only to the data voluntarily provided by the Client or Member exclusively on the site. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is not responsible for the privacy policy practiced by any other third party that can be reached through links, regardless of their nature, outside the site.
6.9. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION undertakes that the collected data of the Client / Member will be used only in accordance with the stated purposes and not to make it public, to sell, to rent, to license, to transfer, etc. the database containing information regarding the personal or special data of the Member / Client of any third party not involved in fulfilling the stated purposes.
6.10. Exception from the provisions of art. 6.9 will make the situation in which the transfer / access / visualization / etc is requested by the authorized bodies in the cases provided by the regulations in force at the time of the event.
6.11. The processor of bank cards approved by the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness , PayU SA has the right to access / view any type of data / documents, generated following an issued order, canceled orders, contract, canceled contract or an honored contract, for to investigate any Transaction, if any.
6.12. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION guarantees that the personal data of a User, collected through the contact form, will be used only until the problem communicated by it is solved, after which data will become exclusively statistical.
6.13. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is not responsible for any malfunctions that may endanger the security of the server on which the database containing this data is hosted.


If you are 16 years of age or older, you can choose to register with the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro to obtain a user account by accessing the “My Account / New Account” section of the site. You will need an account of the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro if you want to purchase the products offered for sale on the site, to receive notifications about our products, to receive information about our future campaigns that may interest you (choosing for yourself this, with the possibility of giving up any time to receive information). The user account of the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro is created on the basis of establishing the contact details (name, first name, valid e-mail, valid phone number). All the contact details are necessary for us to be able to send you the invoice in electronic and / or physical format and to provide the opportunity to identify you correctly. The situations in which it is necessary to identify you and validate your identity could appear in the case of a refund of the value of the products, in case of delay, cancellation or because, for personal reasons, you no longer want the products and you will request the return of the money, according to the Terms and Conditions of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .

If you decide to pay by card, you understand and agree that:

  • you will leave the interface of the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro and you will be redirected to the interface of the payment processor with the MobilPay card;
  • Any data you enter into the MobilPay site / interface will be subject to the MobilPay Privacy Policy;
  • Data entered in the MobilPay site / interface will be saved by them within the European Community;
  • MobilPay will be responsible for processing the data provided by you in your own site / interface.

Contests / Surveys / Correspondence

The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro may obtain information from you when you participate in a contest or promotion on the website, mobile application or on the Romanian Pole Fitness .ro Federation page of one of the social networks (eg: Facebook, Instagram etc.). Participation in surveys is completely voluntary. If you contact us for any reason (for example, to report an error on the Website), we may keep a record of this correspondence, which may include personal data.

Sensitive personal information

Please note that the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro may collect sensitive personal information during the provision of goods and / or services for you (for example, the delivery address of a prize).

Use of our services / Marketing messages from the Romanian Pole Fitness Federation

The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro may collect information about your use of our services. We may also collect information about the marketing messages we send you and how you respond to them.

  1. How we collect information about you

We collect information about you in three ways:

  1. a) Directly – when you register on the ROMANIAN POLE FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION website . when you subscribe to the newsletter; when you buy products listed on the site, either online or from physical points, through the operators associated with us; when you contact us and ask for an answer or when you interact directly with us. Therefore, it is very important to remember that if other people are using your computer / mobile device, you must move to the end of the navigation section. Otherwise, anyone with access to your devices will automatically have access to all the information you have provided to us.
  2. b) Automatically – when you use the services of the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro online, we collect information through cookies and by logging your activity. For more information on the use of cookies, please consult the information on the site.

In addition, if you have previously provided us with personal information, we can automatically associate those information with other information that we collect from your user account whenever you log in, so that we can identify you on multiple devices and browsers, giving you the same browsing experience, no matter what environment you connect to.

  1. c) From third parties – information about you can be obtained from third parties. We may obtain information about you and third parties that operate data through cookies, such as, for example: advertising networks, market survey companies, etc.

Please note that you can at any time request us to delete your account of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro, by sending us an email at the address of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . Once you ask us for this, you will no longer be able to access your ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro account, nor the information saved on it. Although your account will be deleted, we will keep certain information only for the purpose of answering any questions / requests of any kind that you may have in the future.

  1. How we use information about you

We (and our service providers) may use the information we collect about you for a variety of purposes. For example, we can use this information:

  • to provide you with the services and products you have requested;
  • to create a user account Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro;
  • to personalize the services we offer you;
  • for personalizing the advertising we display;
  • to respond to your requests and comments;
  • to allow you to participate in various interactive activities (eg contests);
  • to be able to provide you with technical support related to our services / products;
  • to be able to communicate you announcements and administrative messages;
  • to send you newsletters and information about products, services and promotions regarding us or other companies or organizations we work with; Please note that to receive a newsletter you must subscribe (OPT-IN) when you buy a product or separately from the first page of the site
  • to use certain technologies (such as Facebook Custom Audiences) through which we deliver advertising on other sites, relying on the Personal Data provided by you or third party services to which you have given this right;
  • to recognize the devices you use when accessing the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro and to associate them with your profile;
  • to send your products (via courier).
  1. How and with whom we exchange information about you

It is possible to share with third parties personal information about you, such as aggregate data and information on the use of the services of the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro. We may also share the information about you, in the form in which we collected them in various forms, according to the provisions of this Privacy Policy and in the following situations, with:

Service providers : to perform certain functions related to the activity of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro: For example, our service providers can offer services such as researching, analyzing, hosting web sites, conducting transactions, maintaining the databases. data, administration of competitions, provision of services and technological platforms, deliveries and payment processing. In usual, when we provide these companies personal information, we have great care to share only the information that these companies need to carry out his functions, noting express this information can be used only when necessary to perform of services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements. Similarly, when appropriate, we take steps to require our service providers to protect the personal information transmitted.

Third companies that have your personal data separately: it is possible to share information about the use of the services of the Romanian Pole Fitness .ro Federation with third companies that you provide / have provided personal data separately (for example, if you have created an account of user to them). In these situations, we may supplement the data they have about you by using or sharing a common identifier that is not personal information in itself.

Social networks : you can interact with certain facilities of the Romanian Pole Fitness .ro services that can determine the publication of your personal information (name, surname) in your social networks. Thus, certain personal data collected by the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro can be shared with your personal data on the social networks and for which you give the right to share. Keep in mind that the Facebook page of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro may collect information about you, even if you do not permanently access that page.

Mobile, electronic or other device applications : We may share information (including information about your personal identity and how you use mobile applications or electronic device applications) with mobile operators, technology providers, service providers analysis or operators of platforms, operating systems or other mobile, electronic devices or other applications developed for specific devices.

Opt-Ins: In certain places within the services of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .ro we can place registration options (OPT-IN) to receive communications from companies with which we have commercial relations. If you sign up to receive these communications, or you agree to distribute your personal data to these companies, then we may disclose personal information that can identify you.

Contests: We can publicly disclose the name and city of the winners of contests and raffles, if this is allowed by the regulation of the respective applied ones, with which you have agreed, in advance, through participation.

Selling of our activity or assets: if we sell the whole company or part of it / its assets, or we are involved in a merger or transfer of the business, we can, at our discretion, transfer or assign partially or totally the information of a third party parties as a party or in connection with the respective transaction. Following such a transfer, the beneficiary entity’s confidentiality policies may govern the use and subsequent collection of personal information.

Legal Reasons: We may use or disclose information, in whole or in part, to cooperate or support law enforcement, governmental or regulatory bodies, content protection organizations or judicial processes in connection with or to prevent suspected or possible fraud. We may also use or disclose information that we deem appropriate to the extent that the records have been cited or in connection with ongoing or potential litigation, or to impose or protect the rights or safety of users of online services.


  1. Online sale policy

7.1. Access to the service
7.1.1. Access to the service is allowed to any Member who owns or creates an Account on the site.
7.1.2. In order to be allowed access to the service, the Member will have to accept the provisions of the Document.
7.1.3. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to limit the client’s access to the Service and the marketing campaigns (not to include it in the promotion and loyalty campaign, to allow them to order only with advance payment, etc.) and the right to cancel the orders already placed if he considers that based on the behavior of the Client (placing and refusing more than two orders in the payment system upon delivery, placing orders that are subsequently canceled or modified except as allowed by art 7.3.7, the use of a biased language, the violation of the intellectual property right, etc.), the access and existence of the Client’s Account could in some way prejudice the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . This right can be exercised at any time and it is not necessary to notify the Client in this regard.
7.1.4. Each Member can have only one Account. Sharing an Account between multiple Members / Customers is prohibited.
7.1.5. In the event that access is shared by several clients, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Client’s access to Content or Service. If there are orders placed from suspended or canceled accounts, they will be canceled automatically.
7.1.6. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION may refuse an order following a prior notification addressed to the Client, without any obligations between the parties and without a party being able to claim damages, for the following situations:

  • failure / invalidation of the online transaction;
  • non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Client’s card / of the transaction;
  • providing incomplete or incorrect data by the Customer;
  • the Client’s activity may cause damage to the site www.polesportsro.org , to the company FEDERATIA ROMANA DE POLE FITNESS SRL and / or to its partners;
  • The client uses the Service in a manner that is not in conformity with the normal and good faith users or exercises his rights in order to harm or damage the ROMANIAN FEDERATION OF POLE FITNESS or in an excessive and unreasonable way, contrary to the good faith;
  • consecutively failed deliveries due to the Client;
  • other justified reasons (eg, placing and unjustifiably giving up more than two orders).

7.2. Products and services
7.2.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION may publish on the site information about products, services and / or promotions practiced by it or by any other third party with which the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION has concluded contracts or partnership agreements, during a certain period and in the limit of available stock.
7.2.2. The products and / or services purchased through the service are intended exclusively for the Customer’s personal use .
7.2.3. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION may limit the ability to purchase certain products or services available on the site at one time, to one or more Customers, for good reasons.
7.2.4. All tariffs related to the products or services presented on the site are expressed in lei (RON) and include VAT.
7.2.5. The RRP price means the price recommended by the manufacturer for sale in shops, shopping centers or any other commercial space where discounts are not practiced. These tariffs are purely informative and have no legal value, not being assimilated and not included in the low price sales, as they are defined by the OG 99/2000 regarding the marketing of market products and services.
7.2.6. The invoicing of the purchased products is done exclusively in RON using the information provided by the Customer in the intended form. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is not responsible for the correctness of the information provided by the Client for the invoice. Invoices are issued as follows: for payments made prior to the receipt of products and services, the advance invoice is issued and for payments made at the time of receipt of products, the final invoice is issued. For corrections (cancellations, returns) reversal invoices are issued. All invoices are automatically issued and recorded and included in the tax reports. Corrections are not accepted except changes of invoices issued only within the specified limits.
7.2.7. The payment of the products and / or services purchased through the service can be done online with the debit card, the payment with the payment card in installments (at orders over 500 ron using – Card Advantage, BRD Finance or Star BT), by bank transfer as and on delivery to the courier only in cash.
7.2.8. In the case of online payments with the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION card , it is not / cannot be held responsible for any additional costs incurred by the client, including but not limited to currency conversion commissions applied by the issuing bank, if whose currency of issue differs from RON. The client is responsible for this action.
7.2.9. Cash payment upon delivery (by courier) is a payment method available only in certain cases and only for certain products. If the Customer orders larger quantities of the same product (more than 10 products of the same type), for the products delivered directly from the Manufacturer (in this case it will be expressly mentioned when describing the product on the site) or the order is worth more than 1000 lei, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION offers the possibility to pay the orders only in advance either by online payment or by bank transfer. Payment in cash upon delivery (by courier) is charged additional with 4 lei / order.
7.2.10. The information from the sales events used to describe the products, features and weight available on the site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations / links to other sites, etc.) is not a contractual obligation on the part of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , these being for title presentation. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION may withdraw a product offer or modify it at any time until the order is placed, without owing damages or other penalties to any potential client.
7.2.11. In the images of the products and / or services the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to use other products (accessories / etc) that may not be included in the costs of the respective products and implicitly will not be delivered when purchasing the products. In this case, it is explicitly specified in the description of the products that is good for sale and is also marked in the image.
7.2.12 In the unlikely event that the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will not be able to honor a part of the products, it will notify the Client by e-mail, offering him one of the alternatives:
a. Canceling the order or removing from the order the product that does not it can also be delivered
b. receiving credits that can be activated on the site under certain conditions that can be used for purchases made only on www.polesportsro.org

7.2.13 GREEN STAMP TAX – value expressed in lei, paid by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to the company authorized to take over the operations of collecting, transporting and recovering / recycling the waste of electrical and electronic equipment, as provided in the Government Decision no. 1037/2010 regarding the waste of electrical and electronic equipment. According to the law, the green stamp fee is invoiced by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION (producer) and must be finally paid by the final customer (user).

7.3. Order online
7.3.1. The customer can place orders for products marketed at one time, exclusively on the site, the offers being limited in time (after the indicated period can no longer place orders and the articles are no longer visible on www.polesportsro.org ). The price displayed on the site at the time of order will not change, being firm. For an expired offer, no orders can be placed.
7.3.2. By completing the order the Customer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true at the date of placing the order, named in this document and the order issued.
7.3.3. The distance contract is considered concluded by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION when the order placed by the Customer is electronically confirmed by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , following the receipt of all the products (quantitative and qualitative) from that order by the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness (directly or through subcontractors). Moreover, before validating the order of the Client and before sending the products, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION has the right to contact the Client, by any means available / agreed by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION (by telephone or e-mail), in order to obtain personal confirmation by the Customer of his identification and delivery data. Customers accept that the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION cannot be forced to validate / deliver products to persons who have not confirmed the delivery and identification data.
7.3.4. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will unilaterally denounce and automatically cancel the order made by the Client, even without prior notification addressed to the Client, without any subsequent obligation of one party to the other or without any party being able to claim the other damages. in the following cases:

  • non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Client’s card, of the transaction, in the case of online payments;
  • invalidation of the transaction by the card processor approved by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , in case of online payment;
  • the data provided by the Customer regarding the delivery (address, contact details), on the site are incomplete or incorrect;
  • the activity of the Client on the site may and / or cause damages of any kind by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and / or its partners;
  • making more than two consecutive failed deliveries;
  • for other objective reasons.

7.3.5. In case the Client gives up an order with the payment made in advance, by confirmed bank transfer or by the online payment solution with the card and in which the issuing bank of the Client’s card has authorized the banking transaction, this amount will be reimbursed by the Romanian Federation. Pole Fitness in maximum 14 days from the date when the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION became aware of this fact or it can be converted into credits by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION under the conditions of art. 7.9.5 at the Client’s request.
7.3.6. In case some products ordered by the Customer through an order made with the payment made in advance (by confirmed bank transfer or by the online card payment solution) are no longer available on stock for reasons independent of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will inform the client of this fact as soon as it becomes aware of the unavailability and will order the reimbursement of the amounts paid in advance within a maximum of 14 days from the client’s notification. In this situation, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to offer, in addition to the amounts due refundable in advance, and promotional credits (free) for any product that has been ordered and has become, after confirmation of the order and for independent reasons. ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , unavailable for delivery. The use of the credits can be made only on www.polesportsro.org and is conditioned by the standard behavior of the client; 1 credit is equivalent to 1 RON and cannot be transferred between accounts or users. Any suspicion of fraud in the Client’s behavior will invalidate the free promotional credits.
7.3.7. An order placed can be modified only in the following situations and only at the Client’s request. The client will request this in writing, sending an e-mail to mailto: contact@polesportsro.org clearly mentioning the request and the order number. a. The customer gives up a product and notifies the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness .ro before sending the order b. Increasing the quantity of a product already existing in an order, a product that is in an active campaign at the time of requesting the additional order . Delay of delivery with maximum two weeks above the maximum delivery limit d. Change of delivery address e. Accumulation of orders (only valid for orders with payment on delivery) with periods of delivery close (maximum one day different from the last day in the interval). In the situation of cumulating an order, the initial order is canceled and its status will appear as “canceled order”, and the products related to the cumulative order will be added to the order with which the cumulation is requested. f. Change of payment method g. Change billing data. For the invoices already issued, no changes can be made regarding the legal / natural person (replacement with a new person), only corrections (of the name / name, contact details, etc.). 7.3.8. The orders cannot be modified, if the Customer chooses to pay online or by bank transfer of their value. 7.3.9. In case a Customer modifies his personal data, using the forms available on the site, all the orders in progress existing at that time, he keeps the data defined / accepted by the Client before the moment of the modification, taking into account for the delivery and contact, new data modified accordingly. 7.4. Telephone order 7.4.1. The client / member cannot place telephone orders. The client / member cannot request to change the order on the phone. 7.5. Contract and completion 7.5.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will issue and transmit to the Client all the necessary documents attesting the purchase of the products / services by the Client according to the legislation in force. 7.5.2. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will facilitate informing the Client about the stage of completion in which his order is located by sending an information email to the address indicated by him. The invoice issued will include all mandatory mentions in accordance with art. 319 of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code and can be downloaded in pdf format from the Member’s account. 7.5.3. The contract to which the documents attesting the delivery to the Customer of the parcel by the courier (AWB signed and settled) from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is added, becomes an Honorary Contract. 7.5.4. The contract is concluded for a fixed period. It will be considered as terminated when the parties have executed their mutual obligations within the terms and conditions established by this Document. 7.5.5 If there are differences between the list of products delivered (printed on the AWB back) and the contents of the package, the Client has the obligation to notify the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness and the courier (if the finding was made in its presence) in a maximum of 24 days. hours from the reception of the telephone package or by e-mail to contact@polesportsro.org with the related details (photo, explanations, etc.). If the Client has not made the finding in the presence of the courier, he can no longer invoke the differences.

7.6. Transport
7.6.1. The delivery to the Customer of the products purchased from the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness , is performed only through the fast courier system.

The price of the delivery of the products practiced by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is 18 RON (including VAT) if the parcel weighs up to 5 (five) kg, increasing in proportion to the weight of the parcel by 1 RON / each additional kilogram. The refund (payment on delivery) has an additional separate cost of 4 RON / delivery (regardless of the value of the refund). The price of the delivery services is calculated and communicated to the Customer at the time of placing the order according to the total weight of the order (if there are several goods) and the total value of the ordered goods. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION estimates on the basis of internal indicators the cost of transport and the Customer expressly accepts by placing the order the estimates for the cost of transport, regardless of the data that were the basis for determining this cost. As a result, the Customer cannot request a lower cost of transport on the basis of own weighing or measurements of the package. In order to ensure the integrity of small and fragile products and to reduce the delivery period, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION uses the MultiColet system : an order is sent with several separate shipments (on separate days). The customer can check the number of shipments of an order and their status in the My Account section of www.polesportsro.org . The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION does not guarantee in any way that an order is sent in a single shipment and does not ask for additional taxes for the delivery in two shipments. The packing and delivery mode is at the free choice of the ROMANIAN FEDERATION OF POLE FITNESS , respecting the obligation of integral delivery of the products during the assumed period. For large packages (over 35 kg), the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION adds a handling fee. The fee includes additional materials for protection, special transportation for large packages, insurance of products during transport and delivery up to the front door of the house. This tax is calculated and paid separately according to the offer of the delegated carrier and only at the express request of the customer. Under certain conditions, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION can offer free shipping (depending on the value of the order or other promotional activities) but does not offer the handling fee (from the car to the customer’s door) except on the basis of an express request from the customer and payment separate from this service. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION cannot under any circumstances be required to offer free shipping if the Client does not comply with the standard conditions of use of the services www.polesportsro.org 7.6.2. The delivery time of an order is communicated expressly at its placement and is an interval of days influenced by: the transport of goods from the merchandise supplier of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , the processing times in the logistics center of the initial supplier and in the Romanian Federation warehouse . Pole Fitness , working days of the month, the number of products in the order and the processing times of each product, etc. The total delivery time can be offset by a product with a longer period, so that the Customer accepts that by accumulating more products in one order, the delivery of the products is delayed until the most distant date. As a rule, the products in one order are delivered in one package with a single AWB (the products in one order are not partially delivered). Deliveries will usually be made within the period assumed when placing the order (varies between 2 days and 8 weeks) and the Customer can obtain information on the status of the delivery at any time. In case the product can be delivered beyond the aforementioned term, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will promptly inform the Customer by E-mail offering two options: The client can either renounce (in writing) the order / product or accept the new proposed delivery term . In the event that the payment was made in advance of the delivery, the amounts paid will be fully refunded according to the law, within a maximum of 14 days from the date of renunciation. 7.6.3 The customer can receive as a promotional offer, free delivery (this offer does not refer to the handling fee that is separately charged) for the purchase of goods with a total value over 300 RON, only under certain conditions, including but not limited to : a. the weight of the parcel below 10 kg b. maintaining the order in the initial formula (without modifications / postponements) c. in case of return, the Customer converts the amounts into credits The gratuities are not obligatory for the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . Free shipping does not include the handling fee for large packages.



Since we use an outsourced service, we cannot ask the partner courier company for delivery at a certain time or at a certain date, so please do NOT ask us for new ones. Also, we are NOT responsible for delays caused by the partner courier company.

ATTENTION: We inform you that, according to the laws in force, the transport companies do not compensate the eventual damages if the products have not been sold at their delivery and a report is not prepared with the damages found!

If this is not done upon receipt of the package, the products lose their Warranty and their value is not returned!

Also, please contact us urgently if the courier’s field agents do not wait to unpack the products or behave inappropriately with you!

Thank you for understanding!

7.7. Quality and guarantees
7.7.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION respects the guarantee provisions according to the Romanian legislation in force. Clear details regarding these guarantees are given by the product sheets and no member can request an extended warranty, more than mentioned. The warranty applies to normal conditions of use and is valid only for products purchased and paid by the Client from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . The products have a guarantee of compliance according to the provisions of Law 449/2003, as transposed by the Directive 1999/44 / EC on the sale of consumer goods and related guarantees or if the extended term of the warranty is specified in the product, the term may apply long.

Liability of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , according to the provisions of art. 9-14 of Law 449/2003, is committed if the lack of conformity appears within a period of 2 years, calculated from the delivery of the product. The guarantee involves the reimbursement of the value for the non-compliant products for which the Client notifies the trader in writing within the legal term; The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION does not replace or repair defective or non-compliant products. Non-compliant products are again the property of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . The client is not entitled to compensation or penalties for the non-compliant products and by placing the order he declares that he accepts to receive the value of the products and the transport in case of non-compliance.
7.7.2. Clear details about the characteristic features of each product are provided both on site and in writing within the document list printed on the back of AWB. The client is obliged to keep this document-list and to follow the instructions on it. Information regarding the terms and conditions of the guarantee The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and the general use instructions of the different types of products can be delivered to the Customer and as a document available at www.polesportsro.org , by e-mail, or in the form of a brochures inserted in each package (from case to case). If this information has not reached the Customer he can obtain them at any time by telephone request or e-mail to contact@polesportsro.org 7.8. Contract waiver and return of products 7.8.1. Except for the limitations of art. 7.9 regarding the purchase with loans The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , the customer of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION can return the products purchased through a Contract and is entitled to receive the entire amount paid for the products, in the following situations:

  • The products have severe damage that make them non-compliant;
  • The delivered products are different (specifications, quantity, etc.) compared to the placed order;
  • The products have manufacturing defects
  • The client of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is a natural person.
  • In case the products were made according to the specifications presented by the customer or customized by him.

7.8.2. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION can offer coverage of all the delivery costs for returned products (both at delivery and at return regardless of the reason for the return) as well as the loyalty procedure if the form mentioned in art 7.8.3 point a) is used and the return is requested and processes through the My Account section of www.polesportsro.org . In case the Client uses another courier or other delivery methods (mail, personnel), art 13 paragraph 3 and art 14 of the Emergency Ordinance no. 34 of June 4, 2014 regarding the rights of consumers in the contracts concluded with the professionals, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts.
7.8.3. Prior to the expiration of the withdrawal period, the Client informs the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION about his decision to withdraw from the contract. For this purpose, the Client may choose one of the following options:
a) to use the withdrawal form template available on the website of the Romanian Federation of Pole Fitness SRL in the Return section;
b) to make any other unequivocal statement in which he expresses his decision to withdraw from the contract.

7.8.4. The customer who notified the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION in accordance with art. 7.8.3, has the responsibility to ensure that the products to which he referred have been returned or delivered to the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION or to a person authorized by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to receive the products (usually the fast courier company indicated in the Return form on www.polesportsro.org ), without undue delay and within a maximum of 14 days from the date when it notified the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION its decision withdrawal from the contract. The term is respected if the products are shipped by the Customer before the expiry of the 14-day period packaged properly for the protection during the transport. 7.8.5. The client of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will not be able to return the purchased products and / or will not claim any other damages / interests, in the following situations: If the request for return for any of the situations provided in art. 7.8.1 has the date of dispatch of the notification of the intention to return that exceeds the period of 14 days stipulated according to art. 7.8.2, calculated from the working day following the date of the honored contract. In case a product is returned having as motivation one of the situations provided in art. 7.8.1, and the returned product is not in the same state in which it was delivered (with the accompanying documents, with all the components). In case the products were made according to the specifications presented by the Customer or clearly personalized. If sealed products were ordered and delivered that cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons and have been unsealed by the Customer (these products are marked as non-returnable products). If they have been ordered and delivered products that, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other elements. 7.8.6. In the case of withdrawal from the Client’s contract, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reimburses to him all the sums he received as payment from him, including, as the case may be, the costs of the delivery, without undue delay and, in any case, no later 14 days from the date on which it is informed of the decision to withdraw from the Client’s contract according to art. 7.8.2. and 7.8.3. The return is made using the same payment methods as the ones used by the Client for the initial transaction, unless the Client has agreed to another payment method and provided that the payment of commissions does not fall to the Customer following the reimbursement. . 7.8.7. The client of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION can return the products purchased through a Contract and is entitled to partially receive the value paid for products if they are in a state of diminishing resale value (they do not have all the components, they do not have the initial documentation or other causes). which changes the initial product). 7.9. Appropriations 7.9.1 The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION may grant credits with the title of deductible marketing expenses and may modify the unilateral mechanism, without the Users being able to claim damages for the non-allocation or cancellation of credits by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . A credit is equivalent to 1 RON and can be used to purchase goods from www.polesportsro.org . Promotional credits are received in the following mechanism: Credits from friends invited

  • 1. – The client sends invitations to register on the site as a member to real people who are not already and have not been members of the community www.polesportsro.org ;
  • 2. – These people who have received invitations through the mechanisms made available on the site register and become Members;
  • 3. – After becoming Members, these persons purchase products by placing orders from the newly created account by invitation. At the end of the termination period (30 days after delivery) for the first order paid by a person invited by the Client through the website www.polesportsro.org , the Client who sent the invitation receives a credit of 20 lei, activated on the website www.polesportsro.org . The credits are charged to the Client’s account and can be used to pay the products at parity 1 credit = 1 RON. Credits offered for loyalty or other clearing activities: The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION notifies the client by email that he has received the credits related to activation mechanisms or as compensation for delayed or canceled products. The client must follow the link indicated in the e-mail and activate / upload the credits on the website www.polesportsro.org . After loading they can be used to pay goods or transport for any order placed in that account. 7.9.2 The period of validity (use) of the credits The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is unlimited. The credits of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION cannot be converted into lei and cannot be used outside the site www.polesportsro.org or outside the account in which they are loaded for other Members. 7.9.3. In case of fraud suspicions regarding the obtaining and use of Promotional Loans the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to unilaterally cancel any allocation or use of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION credits , without the User having the right to claim damages or the value of these loans. 7.9.4 In the cases from art. 7.8.1 applicable to products paid in full or in part with free promotional credits, the amounts returned cannot be reimbursed in bank accounts indicated by the Client; in case of return the client will receive 1 credit = 1 RON and will only use them on www.polesportsro.org for further purchases.

  1. Fraud

8.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION does not request to its Customers or Users by any means of communication (e-mail / telephone / SMS / etc) information regarding confidential data, accounts / bank cards or personal passwords.
8.2. The Client / Member assumes full responsibility for the disclosure of his / her confidential data to a third party.
8.3. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION disclaims any responsibility, in the event that a Member / Client would / will be harmed in any form by a third party who would claim that he / she represents the interests of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION .
8.4. The client or Member will inform the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION about such attempts, using the contact details.
8.5. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION does not promote SPAM. Any Member / client who has explicitly provided his or her e-mail address on the site may opt to deactivate the client account for this e-mail address.
8.6. The communications made by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION by electronic means of distance communication (ie e-mail) contain the complete and compliant identification data of the sender or links to them, at the date of transmission of the content.
8.7. The following purposes will be considered an attempt to fraud the Site / Content and / or the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to institute criminal proceedings against the person (s) who attempted (or) achieved this goal (s):
8.7.1. to access the data of any type of another Member / Client by using an account or by any other method.
8.7.2. to alter or modify the content of the Site or any correspondence sent by any means by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to the Member / Client.
8.7.3. to affect the performance of the server (s) running the site.
8.7.4. to access or disclose to any third party who does not have the necessary legal authority, the content sent by any means by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to the Member / Client when he is not the legitimate recipient of the content.
8.8. The pursuit of obtaining credits from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION under the conditions of art. 7.9 by using fake accounts (names that are not real, more than one account per natural person or by using the identity of some people but by another person) it is considered a fraud attempt and will have the effect of canceling the obtained benefits, blocking access to the sites of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and reporting to the relevant authorities.

  1. Limitation of liability

9.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION cannot be held liable in any way in front of any Member / Client who uses the Site or the Content, otherwise than within the articles constituting the Terms and Conditions.
9.2. If a Member / Client considers that a Content sent by any means by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION violates the copyright or any other rights, he may contact for details the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , according to the contact details on contact @ polesportsro.org so that the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION can make a decision knowing the cause. 9.3. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION does not guarantee the Member or the client access to the site or to the service, in the absence of registration by the latter through the registration steps on the site, and does not confer the right to download or modify partially and / or fully content, to reproduce partially or wholly the content, to copy, or to exploit any content in any other way, or to transfer to any third party any content to which it has and / or has gained access, based on an agreement of use , without the prior written consent of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION . 9.4. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites reached through links in content, regardless of the nature of these links. For the respective sites, the responsibility is borne entirely by their owners. 9.5. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION is exempted from any fault in the case of using the sites and / or the content transmitted to the Member or Client, by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), through the sites, the e-mail or an employee of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , when this use of the content may or may cause damages of any kind to the Member, the Customer and / or any third party involved in this transfer of Content. 9.6. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION does not offer any direct or indirect guarantees such as: 9.6.1. the service will be according to the client’s requirements 9.6.2. the service will be uninterrupted, safe or error free of any kind 9.6.3. the products / services obtained free of charge or against the cost through the service will meet the requirements or expectations of the customer 9.7. Within the limits of the Terms and Conditions, the operators, administrators and / or the owners of the site are in no way responsible for their relationships or consequences resulting from, but not limited to, acquisitions, special offers, promotions, promotions, or any other type of relationship / connection / transaction / collaboration / etc. that may appear between the client or Member and any of those who make direct or indirect promotion through the site.

  1. Force majeure and accidental case

10.1. Except where they have not expressly provided otherwise, neither party to a contract, which is still in progress, shall be liable for the failure to execute in due time and / or properly, in whole or in part, any of the obligations that it is the responsibility of the contract, if the non-performance of the respective obligation was caused by an event of force majeure.
10.2. The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the aforementioned event is obliged to inform the other, immediately and completely, of its production and to take any measures that are available to limit the consequences of that event.
10.3. The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the aforementioned event is exempted from this obligation only if the event prevents it from completing it.
10.4. If, within 15 days from the date of its production, the respective event does not cease, each party shall have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of this contract without any of them being able to claim the other damages. 10.5. The party invoking the force majeure event must prove the impossibility of executing the obligations within 30 days from the date of the event occurring but within the limits of art. 10.3.
10.6. Exceptionally (without the fault of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION ) and due to an accidental event (such as accident of the carrier or supplier) it is possible that the delivery of the products will not be possible. In this case, the Client will be able to receive an activable promotional credit (at the option of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and from case to case) which can be used indefinitely for the purchase of products from the website www.polesportsro.org as it is. described in section 7.9. 11. Litigation

11.1. By using / visiting / viewing / etc the sites and / or any content sent by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to the Member / Client by accessing and / or sending by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), it at least declares its agreement with the provisions “Terms and conditions”.
11.2. Any dispute regarding these Terms and Conditions that may arise between Member / Client and the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION will be resolved amicably.
11.3. Any dispute, of any kind, that could arise between the Member and the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION or its partners, will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, the conflict will be resolved by the competent court, according to the applicable legal provisions
11.4. Taking into account the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 regarding the online settlement of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) no. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22 / EC, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION offers the Member / Client the opportunity to opt for out-of-court settlement of possible disputes, by using the European online dispute resolution platform (SOL platform), a digital tool created by the European Commission to facilitate the independent, impartial, transparent, effective, fast and equitable resolution, extrajudicially, of disputes regarding the contractual obligations resulting from the contracts of sale or the provision of online services between a consumer who has his residence in the Union and a trader established in the Union. In this regard, you can use the following link to the SOL platform: ODR . 11.5. If any of the above clauses will be found invalid or invalid, whatever the cause, this clause will not affect the validity of the other clauses. 11.6. This document has been drafted and will be interpreted in accordance with the Romanian legislation.


12.1. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) may contain hazardous substances that have a negative impact on the environment and human health if not collected separately.
Considering the provisions of GEO 195/2005 – regarding the protection of the environment and GEO 5/2015 regarding the waste of electrical and electronic equipment, CLIENTS will consider the following:
12.1.1. CLIENTS have the obligation not to eliminate the waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) as unsorted municipal waste and to collect these WEEE separately;
12.1.2. The collection of these wastes (WEEE) will be done through the public service for collecting WEEE, directly by the Ecological Association (according to sections 1.3 and 1.4) and through collection centers organized by authorized economic operators for WEEE collection. You can access the list of collection points: http://www.ecotic.ro/consumatori/puncte-colectare-DEEE
12.1.3. Customers can deliver WEEE free of charge at the collection points specified at the time of purchase of a new product in the same category; thus, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION applies the policy of collecting WEEE in the system of taking over the equipment one by one, according to the legislation in force, if the equipment delivered is equivalent and has fulfilled the same functions as the newly provided equipment; CLIENTS The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION can teach WEEE equivalent by communicating this option to the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION at the time of the order or upon receipt;
12.1.4. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION ensures the collection, during the work program, of the end users, free of charge, without their obligation to buy equivalent type EEE, of very small WEEE within the working point of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION from the address: Soseaua Giurgiului no 321, sector 4, Bucharest.
12.2. The symbol indicating that the electrical and electronic equipment is subject to a separate collection and that they were placed on the market after 31.12.2006 is a wheeled wheel barrel with a cross and a black bar at the bottom, as in the image attached. .

12.3. This icon indicates that WEEE should not be mixed with household waste and that they are subject to separate collection.

  1. Final provisions

13.1. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to make any changes to these provisions, as well as any changes to the site / its structure / service, as well as any content without prior notification of the Member or the Client.
13.2. Within the limits of the Terms and Conditions, the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION cannot be held responsible for any errors that appear on the site for any reason, including due to changes, settings, etc., which are not made by the site administrator.
13.3. The ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION reserves the right to introduce advertising banners of any kind and / or links on any page of the site, in compliance with the legislation in force.

  1. Contact and other information

14.1. In case there are any questions or suggestions regarding the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , please contact us at the phone number +40 722 574 078, from Monday to Friday, program 10: 00-18: 00, or by e-mail at contact@polesportsro.org
14.2. Any comments, questions, feedback, ideas, suggestions or other communications or information about or referring to the site www.polesportsro.org , its functionality or improvement will remain the property of ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION


  1. Definitions of terms used on the site or in “Terms and conditions”:

ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , based in Bucharest, …………………………  organized according to the Romanian law.

SITE – Domain http://www.polesportsro.org and its sub-domains.

CONTENT has the following definition:

  • all information on the SITE that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed through the use of digital equipment;
  • the content of any e-mail sent to its USERS or CLIENTS by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION through electronic means and / or any other available means of communication;
  • any information communicated by any means by an employee or collaborator of the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to the USER or to the CUSTOMER, according to the contact information, specified or not by him;
  • information regarding the products, services and / or tariffs practiced by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION in a certain period;
  • information related to the products, services and / or tariffs practiced by a third party with whom the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION has signed partnership contracts, within a certain period;
  • data regarding the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION , or other privileged data thereof.

SERVICE – the electronic commerce service conducted exclusively on the publicly available portions of the SITE, in order to grant the CUSTOMER the possibility to contract products and / or services using exclusively electronic means, including other means of distance communication.

MEMBER – The natural person who has or obtains access to the CONTENT, through any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or based on an agreement of use between the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION and this one and which requires the creation and use of an CONT.

ACCOUNT – the assembly consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allow a single MEMBER access to restricted areas of the SITE through which access to the SERVICE is made.

CUSTOMER – The person who has or obtains access to the CONTENT and SERVICE, after the creation of the MEMBER ACCOUNT.

ORDER – an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer through which the Buyer transmits to the Seller, through the Site his intention to purchase Goods and Services from the Site.

DOCUMENT – these Terms and Conditions

REMOTE CONTRACT – according to the definition contained in GEO 34 of June 4, 2014 regarding the rights of consumers within the contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts art. 2 point 7, as transposed by the Directive 2011/83 / EU on the rights of consumers: any contract concluded between the professional and the consumer within a system of sales or the provision of organized distance services, without the simultaneous physical presence of the professional and of the consumer , with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication, up to and including when the contract is concluded;

NEWSLETTER / ALERT – the means of periodically, exclusively electronic, information on the products, services and / or promotions carried out by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION during a certain period, without any commitment from the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION with regard to the information contained of this.

TRANSACTION – collection or reimbursement of an amount resulting from the sale of a product / service by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION to the Client, by using the card processor services approved by the ROMANIAN POLE  FITNESS & SPORTS FEDERATION or by bank transfer, regardless of the method of delivery. .